
24 May 2012

Super healthy Bruchetta with multicoloured tomatoes

These past days have been busy. I have been working hard both on my research and the leadership training program I am a participant of. A few weeks ago I gave my first presentation of my research and next week I will be delivering a oral presentation on a project I have been working on the past five months. So it is a rather pressing period. 

All the more reason to eat right. This is a recipe I blogged about on my Icelandic website last fall. Now sommer is upon us once more and tomatoes will soon be in season. We have already gotten a glance from the early crop from southern Europe but we will have to wait a few weeks before the local varieties arrive.

Super healthy Bruchetta with multicoloured tomatoes

It is hard to call this a recipe. This is more just a description of a delicious open sandwich. A truly delicous open sandwich packed with sweet summery tomatoes and tasty herbs.

Take a large handful of red cherry tomatoes and then a handful of some lovely yellow ones - any color will do just fine, even just the red ones would suffice but the variation sparks some life into this otherwise simple dish. Then tear some basil leaves and some flat leaf parley into the mix and stir together with a spoon. A couple of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, dash of balsamic vinegar and then season with salt&pepper. Leave to settle for a few minutes so the tomatoes would marinate a short while in the oil and vinegar.

A slice of wholewheat bread bathing in warm oil
Well, the next step, is to bake some bread - something that would have been a good idea to have done beforehand. For a good recipe for some savory wholewheat bread, check this out. Anyways - having done all that slice a thick piece of the the bread and fry gently in some garlic oil till the bread has a yellow brownish colour. Take care not to burn the garlic. 

tomatoes and bread!

Then place the bread on a plate and just pile the tomatoes on top. An then just enjoy this lovely lunch! 

I couldn't resist putting a closeup... it was just so lovely

Bon appetit!


  1. This could actually be a nice offering for the clients that would come and visit our discount furniture in Los Angeles. Thanks for sharing. Definitely healthy and nice healthy colors, too!


  2. I would recommend a direct TV in this restaurant. Most restaurants has a TV monitor to keep customers at bay. Its a marketing strategy to keep them busy and that would lure them to buy from the establishments that are nearby.

    Sophie Tyler Neil

  3. more and tomatoes will soon be in season. We have already gotten a glance from the early crop from southern Europe but we will have to wait a few weeks before the local varieties to use machine embroidery thread
